Here is a 3D printed doll, cloned from a real human’s head, that you can never unsee.
She has a few friends that may or may not haunt you in your dreams later on…
The cloning service is popular among some Japanese women looking to preserve that special moment in life such as their wedding day, cloning hair & makeup and even the dress they wore.
Whatever you do, don’t make eye contact…
Oh you already did?
Because this is what happens to you if you did…
Just kidding! These are just some recently printed 3D heads on a stick drying off or something..
Welcome to the Clone Factory in Akihabara, Japan.
This is Danny Choo, he runs a blog called Culture Japan and went to get cloned.
A bunch of digital SLR cameras all around him took photos of his head…
and then a big @ss printer made layers of ink which harden in a tray of plaster. The head is hiding inside that white pile of plaster dust…
And the clone is born … (and stuck on the body of a plastic Star Wars doll). You now owe them around $1,300. Surprise!!!
But hey, they clone pets too!
Oh no, he made eye contact…
Okay that’s all folks, wave goodbye now… and you’ll be seeing her later on tonight, crawling out from underneath somewhere…
More photos on the Culture Japan blog.