This may come as a shock to you, but there are things other than MessyNessyChic that could make Fridays at the office more fun. Such as….
1. This desk.
Designed by creative agency Boys and Girls and Twisted Image using permanent hot air balloons that never degrade, strong enough to carry the weight of the desk. Via here
2. These stamps.
From here
3. This Boeing Dreamliner VIP Jet for afternoon conferences.
4. Sticking this note onto the office printer:
5. Counting down the hours on this awesome word clock instead of a normal one:
From here
6. Chatting to Jesus.
7. Handing out this Business Card:
Get yours here
8. Organizing your stationary in this adorably tiny shopping trolley.
from here.
9. Planning an escape route for when your boss walks by.
10. Opening letters with this Samurai Sword.
from here
11. Showing your colleagues what a before & after picture of rapper Nicki Minaj looks like:
12. Taking some time to consider why these women are eating laptops in these stock photos:
13. Jazzing up your computer keyboard with these stickers:
from here
14. Striking up a conversation with someone in your office building that you’ve never spoken to before. You could make a new friend…
15. Screw it. Go to the bathrooms and start the weekend early.
Happy Friday readers!