I remember tearing out this advert of Stephanie Seymour in her pastel suit and sticking it on my bedroom wall. That was the 90s, when Versace and its supermodels ruled pop culture. Gianni Versace once said, “I don’t understand those who are professionally cultured. I like pop culture, the culture that doesn’t need to show off.” Totally…
So anyhoo, this post is about nothing more than getting nostalgic for the 90s and those ridiculous but unforgettable Versace ads.
Let’s take a trip down memory lane…
When standing on two legs was like so last season.
Standing around like you were about to publicly urinate was in.
Claudia and Cindy put their own spin on the pose…
And then this gang of religious biker chicks came along and told them to go use a bathroom.
So the models got together for a serious discussion…
And decided to join the gang of biker chicks.
Anyway, so Claudia was having some issues with her boyfriend…
He was always naked…
It got a little awkward for everyone involved.
After the break-up, it took her a while to get back on her feet…
But she had her supermodel friends like Carla Bruni and Naomi to help get her through it..
But enough about Claudia and her model problems… Let’s talk about Linda Evangelista…
and whose idea it was to dip her in orange paint?
Can we also just take a moment to appreciate how far the male modelling industry has come…
And let’s finish up with those fabulous outfits that made everyone nauseous for an entire decade…
Featuring photography by Bruce Weber and Richard Avedon.