Framed cross-stitch shop it here
Say what you will about the internet, while we so often feel like it’s taking us away from the simple pleasures and quality time with our hobbies, only the internet could bring back a thing like cross stitch. And is there even anything more quaint and nostalgic out there than cross stitching? Not only is the internet spreading the word that needlework is having a very cool comeback, but it’s providing the growing 21st century community with the inspiration, and more importantly the memes, to create an entirely new breed of cross stitch patterns.
Top featured image source/ shop
[Disclaimer: Sincere apologies to those who have been, and and always will be, die-hard cross stitchers and were trying to tell us all along how cool cross stitching is].
Get the pattern here (or contact the shop for a finished piece).
Of course, this is probably not its first comeback for the craft. Cross stitch and needlework dates as far back as sixth century BC. Pieces of embroidery have been found preserved in ancient Egyptian tombs. Then again, this is not your grandma’s cross stitch…
Finished, framed piece from Grammy Shop.
The new generation of cross-stitch embroidery is all about pop culture references, highly inappropriate messages and kitschy framing. Even if you’re not looking for a new hobby, sites like Etsy are the perfect go-to for ready-made wall art to make your friends crack a smile.
Framed cross stitch by Subversive Cross Stitch
David Bowie pattern top left here, bottom left here and this one would be quite fun too.
Grandma’s favourite past time has well and truly found its place with the future generation. On the same website where you can find forums dedicated to topics like Bitcoin and tech start-ups, you can also find one for cross stitch. Reddit.com, a.k.a “the font page of the internet”, has over 30,000 members in its Cross stitch forum, all enthusiastically sharing their latest creations, tips and tricks.
Framed freak flag, from this Etsy shop.
Finished and framed cross stitch from this Etsy shop
Framed welcome sign, from Etsy
Framed wino cross stitch, from Etsy, DIY pattern available here.
Finished piece for sale here, full kit for sale here.
Finished cross stitch from Sassy Stitcher
Cross stitch necklaces from Nerdlework.
Finished microbe cross stitch
Patterns on Subversive Cross Stitch
Finished and framed cross-stitch from this Etsy shop.
My favourite Jurassic Park quote from Etsy.
Big Lebowski pattern from Etsy
Framed Seinfeld quote from Cinema Stitches.
More Seinfeld patterns here.
A beginner’s cross stitch, kit includes material, thread, pattern, instructions, two needles and a hoop. Shop it here.
From The Shining, finished wall art, shop it here.
And one for yours truly. Find the pattern here.