Can you imagine a more perfect getaway than one inside a Wes Anderson movie? In the picturesque town of Price Edward, Ontario, Canada, you’ll find an Airbnb that is an ode to the one and only Wes Anderson, Hollywood’s quirkiest director best-known for his near-perfect cinematic symmetry, retro hues, twee patterns and interiors that evoke a sense of faded grandeur. Finally, someone had the good sense to decorate their Airbnb, inspired by all Wes’ movies under one roof.
From the moment you enter, each detail seen in the home is carefully crafted to transport its temporary tenant to a major film moment. From a “Steve Zissou’s Life Aquatic” living room, to a Darjeeling Limited Tea Room for a kitchen, you’ll find yourself delightfully lost with a one way ticket directly into Mr. Anderson’s mind.
For only $225 CAD per night, you can stay in this two-bedroom home created by a host who “always wanted to be a Tenenbaum.” Each room throughout the space is themed according to a different Wes Anderson film.
Will you choose to stay in Margot Tenenbaum’s pink and purple royal room or experience Sam Shakusky’s Camp Ivanhoe from Moonrise Kingdom?
A most excellent Rushmore-themed office could perhaps inspire a screenplay of your own…
And even the hall toilet squeezes in an ode to Fantastic Mr. Fox.
The entire home continues to evolve and have new additions as the owner continues exploring the works of Wes Anderson.