Meet Xenia Rybina, the Parisian witch you never knew you needed in your life. Her artistic talents range from fashion illustration to stop-motion animation; esoteric embroidery to straight-up witchcraft. Which, she explains, gets a bad rap. “Let me tell you something, we are all witches,” she tells us from her Paris apartment, snake in hand. Covered in trinkets, talismans and all the trappings of a white witch’s pantry, this is her veritable coven hub – a place for celebrating and manifesting the power of nature and creativity in herself, and those she loves. From every corner of the room, the motif of the “lovers eye” – a favourite of hers – watches those who enter her universe, which is that of a worldly and kindly soul. We’re eagerly awaiting the launch of her e-boutique, but in the meantime one can call on her for commissions of all kinds, from bespoke spells to art pieces. Drop her a line via Instagram or her website. Or owl.
Happy Halloween!