1. Nylon Vending Machine in the Paris Metro, 1955

Print available from the RATP website.
2. The Instagram Account of a Pigment Collector

At her cabin in the woods of Washington, Heidi Gustafson is creating a many-colored library of one of mankind’s first pigments.
Heidi Gustafson, found on Instagram.
3. A Beguiling “Secret Garden” Apartment For Sale in London

Describing this property the agents say, ‘This extraordinary property is a truly unique space in a converted former G. Wallin and Co Tin-Box factory.’ These beautiful buildings, in the heart of Borough, were developed in the 1820’s.

The quirky south London home is owned by the Quay brothers, who are well-known in the world of film and theatre. It’s fitting their home is has a theatrical feel, with it’s many quirky curios.

Found on Ideal Homes.
4. How to Find Silence in a Noisy World
Acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton has devoted his life to locating and conserving that gravely endangered species of sensorial experience and planetary poetics… Hempton has spent thirty-five years picking out Earth’s rarest nature sounds, equipped with a 3-D microphone system that replicates human hearing.
Found on Brain Pickings.
5. This Cabin, complete with Rooftop Lookout

Location unknown – any ideas? Photography by Survivalists Passion? Found on Tumblr.
6. The Glacier Express through Landwasser Viaduct, Switzerland
More info on the Glacier Express.
7. This Hotel Lobby in Norway

8. Matchbox Seat Pads

Found on Graham & Green.
9. Kazakh Family Portrait

The Kazakhs are the descendants of Turkic, Mongolic and Indo-Iranian indigenous groups and Huns that populated the territory between Siberia and the Black Sea.
Found on Mythodea.
10. Conrad Veidt in the silent film The Indian Tomb, 1921

Photographed by Joe May, found on We Had Faces Then.
11. White Castle Uniform Guidelines

Found in these archives.
12. Word of the Day

Found on Instagram.