With the first signs of an early Spring, perhaps you might find yourself looking towards summer already and thinking about how you’re going to spend it. With France as my oyster, I began my hunt for hideaways in the south when I stumbled upon a rare gem in the medieval village that has long been a summer refuge for legendary artists, writers and actors seeking a provincial lullaby…

Sitting pretty on a picturesque corner in the winding backstreets of Saint Paul de Vence is the former home of Jacques Prévert, France’s most widely read poet since Victor Hugo. And from €190 a night, you too can weekend like an artist of the époque, soaking up inspiration in the writer’s retreat of your Francophile dreams.

Poet and screenwriter, Jacques Prévert found a name for himself amidst the Surrealist movement, rising up with artists like Yves Tanguy, and André Breton. Pablo Picasso became his close friend and neighbour in Saint Paul de Vence and the pair hung out regularly together at the Colombe d’Or, the village’s family-run hotel which now holds more important art than most museums. Paul Roux, owner of the Colombe d’Or, Prévert and Pablo Picasso formed a trio of very good friends. Many collages by Prévert still decorate the walls of the famous inn and one of his most famous poems was inspired by the legendary Cubist painter, “Promenade de Picasso”.

His words have been sung by Édith Piaf, Nat King Cole and Serge Gainsbourg. Hundreds of schools are named after him around France. He’s kinda of a big deal. Most artists of his standing have their homes made into museums, but this one can be made into your weekend hideaway – so let’s take a look around and see if it’s not somewhere you could spend a few summer days with the cicadas….

Sleeps 4 (two beds & 2 baths). Rates are as follows: Nov-March €190 & April – Oct €249, available to rent from Airbnb