1. A 5 Dollar Jackson Pollock?

Teri Horton bought a secondhand painting for $5 and learned that it could be an original Jackson Pollock. She spent years trying to prove it’s authenticity, and was offered $9 million, but refused to sell for any less than $50 million. She had a forensic scientist look at it and apparently has a certification for Pollock’s fingerprint on the painting. In addition to that, apparently the splatter patterns in Pollock’s studio (on the ground from where the painting would have been placed while being created) matched. Some experts believed that it was the “practice” piece that Pollock created before making his “No.5 1948” that sold for 140 million dollars. She maintained that the big shots of the art industry were refusing to take her seriously because she was a poor truck driver from California. Horton died last year, and the painting remains in storage.
Found on Reddit.
2. Maya Angelou on Con Men
3. The Real Jamaican bobsleigh team that inspired Cool Runnings

Pictured above is the 1988 Jamaican Bobsleigh team with coach American Patrick Brown at the Calgary Olympics. Brown and Jamaican athlete Devon Harris spoke with WSPN about their Olympic journey and commented on the alleged racial insensitivity in the film “Cool Runnings” that was based on their story.
Full article here.
4. The Statue of Liberty in Paris in 1886 before oxidation (colorized photo)

Found on Jecini Colorizations.
5. The Digital Art of Jp Cummins

Found here.
6. Abandoned Checkpoints Across Europe

A ghostly reminder of before the European Union, Polish-born photographer Josef Schulzand documents the defunct boundaries of Europe. Josef turns up the nostalgia by ‘subtly blurring the photographs’ backgrounds in post-production to remove them from their original context – which gives them the appearance of being captured in a different era entirely’ – Found on It’s Nice That

If you’ve traveled in the last decade through Europe by car, you will have noticed these rather sad abandoned checkpoints that have lost their purpose, symbols of forgotten or discarded political power. What should be done with them?
Find more of Josef Schulz’ abandoned checkpoints here.
7. Emperor and Empress and Iran out biking together in pre-Revolution, 1970s

Shah Reza Pahlavi and Shabanhu Farah Pahlavi, found on Pinterest.
8. Rarely seen photographs of Marilyn Monroe

Photographed in May 1957 in Amagansett, Long Island by Sam Shaw. Found here.
9. In 1969, Jimi Hendrix invited Paul McCartney to join him in a band with Miles Davis

Davis and Hendrix sent McCartney an impromptu October 21st, 1969 telegram request to record with them in New York: “We are recording an LP together this weekend. How about coming in to play bass stop call Alan Douglas 212-5812212. Peace Jimi Hendrix Miles Davis Tony Williams.” A Beatles aide, Peter Brown responded the next day, telling Hendrix and Davis that McCartney was out on vacation and wasn’t expected back for two weeks. Both telegrams are located at the Hard Rock Café in Prague.
Found on The Telegraph
10. A Brief Introduction to James Baldwin
11. Understanding Diner Lingo: 55 Phrases to Get You Started

- Adam and Eve on a raft/log -Two poached eggs on toast
- Adam’s ale/city juice/dog soup – Water
- All hot – A baked potato
- Axle grease/skid grease/cow paste – Butter
- Baby juice/moo juice/cow juice/Sweet Alice – Milk
- Belch water/balloon water – Seltzer or soda water
- Blonde with Sand – Coffee with cream and sugar.
- Bloodhound in the Hay – A hot dog with sauerkraut
- Bossy in a bowl – Beef stew
- Bow-wow/bun pup/tube steak/groundhog/Coney Island/Coney Island chicken/Coney Island bloodhound – A hot dog
- Breath – Onion
- Bronx vanilla/halitosis/Italian perfume – Garlic
- Bullets/whistleberries – Baked beans
- Burn one – Put a hamburger on the grill
- Burn one, take it through the garden and pin a rose on it – A hamburger with lettuce, tomato and onion
- Burn the British – A toasted English muffin
- Cackle fruit/Cackleberries/Hen Fruit -Eggs
- Chicks on a raft – Eggs on toast
- Customer will take a chance/clean up the kitchen/sweep the floor – Hash
- Dough well done with cow to cover – Buttered toast
- Drag one through Georgia – Coca-Cola with chocolate syrup
- Draw one/a cup of mud – A cup of coffee
- Draw one in the dark – A cup of black coffee
- First lady – Spareribs (probably a pun on Eve being made from Adam’s rib)
- Fish eyes/cat’s eyes – Tapioca pudding
- Flop two – Two fried eggs over easy
- Frog sticks – French fries
- GAC – A grilled American cheese sandwich (Also called a “jack” or a “Jack Benny” if there’s bacon on it.)
- Gravel train – Sugar bowl
- Heart Attack on Rack – Biscuits and gravy
- Hemorrhage – Ketchup
- Hockey puck – A hamburger, well done
- Hounds on an Island – Franks and beans
- Houseboat – A banana split
- In the alley – Served as a side dish
- Maiden’s delight – Cherries (“cherry” is slang for the maidenhead (archaic), or hymen)
- Mississippi Mud/Yellow paint – mustard
- Mystery in the alley – A side order of hash
- Nervous pudding – Jelly/Jello
- Noah’s boy – A slice of ham (Ham was one of the Biblical Noah’s sons)
- Noah’s boy with Murphy carrying a wreath – ham and potatoes with cabbage
- On the hoof – Any kind of meat cooked rare
- Pair of drawers – Two cups of coffee
- Pittsburgh – Toast or burn something so it’s charred on the outside but still red on the inside (probably a reference to Pittsburgh’s smokestacks or coal beds)
- Put out the lights and cry – Liver and onions
- Sand/gravel/yum-yum – Sugar
- Sea dust – salt
- Shingle with a shimmy and a shake – Buttered toast with jam
- Shoot from the South/Atlanta special – Coca-Cola (the company’s headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia)
- Radio – A tuna salad sandwich on toast (“tuna down” or tuna on toast, sounds like “turn it down” the command often repeated when the radio is on in the kitchen)
- Wax – American cheese
- Whiskey – rye bread
- Whiskey down – rye toast
- Wreck ‘em – Scrambled eggs
- 86 – Remove an item from an order or from the menu
via Mental Floss
12. A Miniature Balcony BBQ

No backyard? No problem! Best described as a cross between a rectangle flower pot and a BBQ grill, use the small space of your balcony for that big BBQ taste.
Available here.