1. Academy Theater, Inglewood California, 1940

Still standing, screened movies from 1933 until it became a church in 1975. It got it’s name “The Academy Theater” because it was originally built to be the home and venue for the Academy Awards (the Oscars). But the plans changed.
Photographed by Julius Shulman, found here.
2. ‘Sciopticon’ magic lantern projector, c. 1890

Made by Pettibone Bros. of Cincinnatti, Ohio. The projector came with ten hand-colored glass slides in a rotating holder and an oil burner.
Found on this Tumblr.
3. A Private Collection of 19th Century Photographs of Black Victorians

Most sitters are unidentified. View the collection of Valerie Wilmer “The Missing Chapter”, here.
4. First Lady Marie-Thérèse Houphouët-Boigny of Ivory Coast, dubbed ‘The Black Jackie” by the world press..

Her bio, found on Wikipedia, more photos found here.
5. Rare 16mm footage of a 1930s London Jazz Club
Unfortunately no sound, but corn on the cob, curry/rice, Pepsi-cola on the menu!
6. The ‘Story Quilts’ legacy of artist Faith Ringgold

Great, great, great granddaughter of an enslaved woman who made quilts for plantation masters, Ringgold’s work is hand painted, her messages are written onto the quilts.
Discover more of her work here.
7. The ‘Seven Sisters’

Not your average home pottery studio, these giant bottle ovens in Stoke-on-Trent used to be part of the J Meakins Hanley Pottery. Photo taken in 1958 by Donald Morris.
A look at other bottle ovens long since gone can be found here.
8. Cutaway illustration of London’s Post Office Railway, 1926

Found on Reddit, read more about London’s forgotten mail train here.
9. Sandals of an Ancient Greek Prostitute, used to attract clients

Greek prostitutes would advertise via their shoes which would say “follow me” and that would be imprinted in the sand.
Found on Reddit.
10. Pink Floyd concert in Venice 1989

Found on Open Culture.
11. Ideas of Paradise

By 3D artist Paul Milinski.
12. A look at the making of Flair, “History’s Most Beautiful Magazine”

Full article found on Eye on Design.