1. Grandparents model other people’s forgotten laundry

Chang Wan-ji and Hsu Sho-er have become Instagram-famous for wearing outfits curated from the hundreds of items left behind by absent-minded customers at their laundromat in central Taiwan. Their 31-year-old grandson and unofficial stylist, Reef Chang, originally came up with the idea to create @wantshowasyoung on Instagram when business slowed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
More, found via the NYTimes Instagram account.
2. A Secret Garden in Kyoto, Japan

Otago Nenbutsu-ji temple is hidden away at the far end of the beautiful and popular Arashiyama neighbourhood in Kyoto’s western hills. It features 1200 stone sculptures of rakan, the Buddha’s disciples, all with different facial expressions and poses: cute, scary, sad, serene, funny, bizarre.
Photographed by Naoto Shibata.
3. A Ship graveyard in Maryland

The “Ghost Fleet” of Mallows Bay is a reference to the hundreds of ships whose remains still rest in the relatively shallow waters … Mallows Bay contains the largest collection of wrecks in the Western Hemisphere. More than 100 of the vessels are wooden steamships, part of a fleet built to cross the Atlantic during World War I. However, most of these ships were obsolete upon completion after the end of the war. … It is popular to canoe or kayak among the ship ruins.[6][7] Mallows Bay was declared a National Marine Sanctuary in July 2019.
Found on Wikipedia.
4. USS Annapolis surfacing through 3 feet of ice

Found on Reddit.
5. A Real-Life Dr. Dolittle
Having trouble finding the original source on this. Any tips welcome.
6. Larry Fink, The Beats, Late 1950s

More of his work found here.
7. A fairytale library to rival Beauty and the Beast

Christiansborg Palace in central Copenhagen, Denmark. Found on Instagram.
8. “Reading Station” by Charles Hindley & Co., London, с. 1890

Found on Steampunk Tendencies.
9. Taking a screenshot in 1983

Found on History in Pics.
10. A Gas Station in Germany (1958)

Seriously though, what happened to the architecture of public infrastructure? Found on Reddit.
11. This Baroque Village House to Rent in the Swiss Alps

Found on Patrice Besse.
12. Hommage to Edward Hooper, 3rd Avenue, New York, 1985

Found on Tumblr.