Fancy living in your very own Rapunzel tower less than an hour’s drive from Paris? Our Rapunzel in this case was Anne Boleyn – the first of Henry VIII’s wives to be beheaded – who lived here in her formative years. It used to be much bigger mind you. The 14th century keep is all that’s left of a moated castle that fell to ruin. But for under a million euros, a piece of Franco-Tudor history is all yours…

Anne Boleyn’s time in France was a formative period that significantly influenced her character, education, and later her role as Queen of England. Born around 1501, Anne was the daughter of Thomas Boleyn, England’s ambassador to France. At the age of about 12 or 13, Anne was sent to the Netherlands to attend the court of Margaret of Austria for a year. However, Anne’s most impactful experience abroad was her stay in France, which began in late 1514, living at this castle southwest of Paris, under the care of a relative until she was old enough to be presented at the nearby court of Versailles. She was being groomed to serve Mary Tudor, who was briefly Queen of France as the third wife of King Louis XII. After Louis’ death, Anne remained at the French court for seven more years, serving Queen Claude, the wife of the new King François I. During this time she became fluent in French, was exposed to French fashion, literature, and developed an understanding of the nuances of courtly and diplomatic life, as well as an interest in the Renaissance humanism movement.

Anne returned to England in 1522 a woman – and an exotic one at that. Her time in France had transformed her from a relatively obscure noblewoman into a cultured, intriguing figure at the English court, directly influencing her future involvement with Henry VIII, and her tragic downfall.

The 14th century keep comes complete with an dizzying spiral staircase spanning 5 floors, two crowned coats of arms engraved in the stone entrance hall, exterior walls punctured with arrow slits, and vaulted cellars that once led to underground tunnels beneath the castle. The price also includes a detached two storey house, a chestnut tree-lined driveway and an idyllic park that cover about 1,600m2. Not to mention 500 years of history.

Discover the property on Patrice Besse.