On a traditional 70 acre farm in Marlboro, NY, the stone wall fences are a century old and the barns are more than 200 years old. Meet Howard Quimby, the 86 year-old farmer who keeps on farming and proving that life never gets old…
We were greeted at our first stop on Route 66 by the roar of a French biker gang rolling through the forgotten town… Roy’s Motel and Café first opened in Amboy, California in 1938 as a gas and service station along the legendary main street of America, U.S. Highway 66. In the 1940s, Roy Crowl expanded the business to include a café,…
We leave Salvation Mountain behind us, dazed and dazzled. But there is more to discover in this most curious corner of the California desert… Past the lonely shoe tree standing at the side of a dirt road… Slab City awaits us. But this is no city, at least not as we know it. There are no…
A sparkling harbor, surfers, beaches, possibly kangaroos and the like tend to pop up when you think of Sydney, Australia. But what about the off-beat? What about the little treasures you may pass on the street that hold a whole history, but are overlooked as simply background and overshadowed by the Opera House’s gleaming sails? Well,…
I once read somewhere that if you were to spend eight seconds in front of every piece of artwork in the Louvre’s collection it would take one year to see everything. I believe the same rule holds true for Station Arret Facultatif. It’s as if a tornado swept through Paris and dumped the best of the…
Femme Fatales and Devious Divas were the ruling forces of Sydney’s underbelly during the 1920’s. These convicted ladies knew how to get into trouble in the most fashionable ways possible. Posing for their mug shots, they came dressed to the nines in furs, pearls, stylish hats and sassy drop-waist frocks. Even if they were being…
Having a Mig-life crisis?! You’re in luck because a two seater supersonic Mig-21 runs only about $70,000 on the internet these days…. That’s right, just like a used car, you can buy your very own Soviet military aircraft, a staple of the Russian and Soviet air forces, sold to militaries within its communist sphere of influence including China, North Korea, and North Vietnam and…
Sometimes, dining out just lacks a bit of drama. Sometimes, you just want to see an almighty showdown spill out from the kitchen (but hopefully not land in your lap) and add a bit of spice –and laughter– to your meal. Well, today I discovered that such a show(down) exists where you can make a reservation for a table in…
Deep in Nebraska, there’s a one-woman town called Monowi, the only officially incorporated municipality in the United States with a population of just one. Upon approaching Monowi, a green road sign stands at the town limits, proudly displaying its number of resident(s). Meet Elsie Eiler, who you can usually find busying herself in the town’s bar. When…
Most people travel the world to visit various natural wonders, take a tour of the famous monuments or go in search of authentic cuisine. Richard Ross goes in search of bomb shelters. Armed with his camera, Ross took a five-year journey into the underground world, documenting not only the bomb shelters of the United States, but also…