So you have a story to tell and you have a feeling this is the right place to do it. The good news is, we’re open to finding new voice and untapped writing talent. If you’re selected to become an MNC contributor, you’ll have access to Nessy’s editorial vault of ideas, a continuously curated range of topics waiting to be authored. But if you can pitch us some of your own unusual and forgotten story ideas, even better!
So if you’re interested in becoming a hired contributor for MessyNessyChic, start by pitching us something quirky, unexpected, weird, avant-garde. Think cultural oddities, unusual subcultures, history’s forgotten scandals, outsider stories, overlooked art movements, unsung heroes, secret places, things hiding in plain sight, weird history, quirky creations, and time-travelling adventures. You know, the stuff that you might Google to the point of carpal tunnel. Perhaps you live in a small town that’s full of untold stories, have a neighbour who lives in a time capsule or enjoy exploring abandoned castles in your spare time.
We accept pitches for in-depth features, short articles, long articles, and everything in between. This includes photo essays that offer unusual perspectives, maps, unique footage, rare historical archives, lost images, etc.
Submit your two best topic ideas. Include proposed title, a few bulleted “takeaways” that you think each story offers + your proposed photos/imagery for each topic.
Original Topics & Content:
We don’t publish stories that have already gone viral all over the internet. We’re looking for original ideas that can inspire our audience. Think out of the box! We’re particularly interested in uncovering secret histories, boots-on-the-ground coverage of little-known locales, unusual subcultures, profiles of fascinating people, topics that are non-touristy and off the beaten path, rare historical archives, old trends that seem to be repeating themselves, first-hand accounts of odd gatherings or moments in history, or anything that captivates, evokes nostalgia or a sense of place.
Unique Angle:
Can you already envision your title that will grab the internet’s attention? Maybe this topic has been covered somewhere/ somehow before – if so, are you bringing new information or offering a new way of looking at the story? Tip: (Avoid topics, facts, information, photos that have beaten to death in other articles).
Think about timeless but also, relevant content:
Articles on MessyNessy have staying power. Many of the pieces that we publish today will be just as interesting five years from now. Timeless, evergreen content is what makes MNC successful, however to separate ourselves from the numerous vintage/ weird history websites out there, we can’t just settle for digging up stories from the past that have no relevance to the world we live in today. When approaching our “forgotten history” pieces at MNC, ideally at some point in the article, you want to be able to relay the story back to something happening in our society today or how we can learn from it or compare it to something in our current climate. This may even end up being the smoking gun of your article.
Messy Nessy is a very visual site and nearly all of our most viral posts have strong imagery. Pitches should provide links to some imagery to get a visual feel for your article.
No set length:
We like long-reads, short-reads, everything in between.
We look forward to hearing from you and if we think it’s the right fit, we’ll let you know our rates for becoming MessyNessy Contributor!
Pitch Submission
Good luck,
The MessyNessy Team